
laoshi 英文起名 2024-04-26 11:50:01

各位好!欢迎来到今天的起名馆课堂,我将为大家讲解济南的英文名,泉城的英文介绍, 本文介绍了济南市,中国山东省的省会,被誉为“泉城”,以其泉水众多、风景秀丽而闻名。济南拥有四个泉水区域和十个泉水群,共有733个天然泉水,被称为“中国天然岩溶泉水博物馆”。济南的泉水不仅数量多,而且形态各异,众多清冽甘美的泉水从地下涌出,汇为河流、湖泊。济南的泉水文化与其城市发展、历史沿革、民风民俗密切相关。此外,济南被誉为中国东部沿海经济大省的省会,是国务院公布的国家历史文化名城之一,也是全省政治、经济、文化、科技、教育和金融中心。如下为济南的英文名,泉城的英文介绍的文章内容,供大家参考。





Chinas shandong jinan city, is the nickname, jinan are spring scenery, many famous world, according to statistics, there are four spring, a natural QuanQun ten, 73。3 springs, both at home and abroad, is rare in the city of natural karst water museum, except quot;quanchengquot; the jinan were often called the quot;springquot;。

Jinan spring number and difform, brilliant, spewing shape, waterfalls, some are bay, many of the spring, luscious clear out from underground, for rivers and lakes。 Water, streams, concentration in the spring, the willows quot;andquot; spring stone upper quot;enchanting scenery。 As early as the song dynasty, astronomers 曾巩 assessment: quot;qi is sweet in the league, more,quot; in qin dynasty geographers also praised said: quot;in jinan, springs scenic landscapes of qilu armor。quot; Cool refreshing water is endowed the blood, jinan city delicately temperament and exuberant vitality。 At the same time, jinan city development, historical evolution, folk custom also closely related with water and formed his unique spring culture。



济南,又称“泉城”,是中国东部沿海经济大省——山东省的省会,是国务院公布的国家历史文化名城之一,是全省政治、经济、文化、科技、教育和金融中心,也是国家批准的沿海开放城市和副省级城市。位于北纬36度40分,东经117度00分,南依泰山,北跨黄河,属于暖温带大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,日照充分,年平均气温14摄氏度,年平均降雨量650到700毫米。 下辖六个区、三个县、一个县级市,总面积达8227平方公里,人口596万,其中市区人口260万。是“全国城市综合实力50强”和“全国投资硬环境40优”的城市之一。 第十一届全国运动会举办城市。